Dreams are Real

                                                            by Tera Thomas        

    In 1998, I filed the paperwork to give birth to the 501 (c) (3) organization that would become Hummingbird Farm. At the same time, my best friend, George, was in the process of leaving his body. Fifteen years earlier, when I went into my vet's office, there on the counter sat a little cage with a "please adopt me" sign on it. Inside was a skinny brown tabby kitten with white paws. It was love at first sight, and George and I were inseparable from that moment on. It was George who asked me to make a commitment in my life, something I had never done before. It was George who asked me to open my heart, and it was George who supported me and gently guided me on this path of working with animals and humans that fills my life with more love than I ever thought possible.

When I was a child I had a dream, or a vision. In this vision I was living on some beautiful land, surrounded by nature and animals, with a sense of well being, of peace, and of harmony. In this vision, all beings “spoke”, were listened to and respected; and the land, the plants and the animals (including the human animals) co-created their living space.

In 1998, George and the dolphins spurred me on and I opened to creating the vision of this sacred place in 3D reality. We formed a nonprofit organization and named it Hummingbird Farm. George pointed out to me that Hummingbird Farm was more than a physical place, that it was a dream about a way of living with all beings realizing their connection to each other and holding a reverence for all of life. He said that Hummingbird Farm would be a vehicle through which information could be passed, people could learn, and a network could be built to create this dream all over the world.

When I opened to the reality of Hummingbird Farm, two llamas came to live with us. Then three more llamas came, and five years later we were living on 49 acres of beautiful land, bordered by the Rocky River. We have become a pretty large family now: 3 cats, 2 dogs, 5 llamas, 1 alpaca, 6 goats, 1 miniature horse, and a myriad of wild animals.

            I did not find this land, truly it found me as the dream was here already, seeded many generations ago and waiting to unfold and blossom. In an area where development is now rampant, Hummingbird Farm’s 49 acres is surrounded by protected land. Nowhere on the property can you see another house. This land is vibrant and sacred, with pastures for the animals, woods with trails through them, bordered by the Rocky River.

            Hummingbird Farm is a space of peace and harmony where all beings are listened to, respected, and asked to participate. It is an example of the peace we can create in our world, and reminds us of our connection to all life. We teach classes to assist people to open to their sacred connection to all of life through Animal Communication, Shamanism, Reiki Healing, Earth Awareness, and we hold ceremonies to celebrate the Earth and our connection to all the species who share this planet with us.

Hummingbird Farm sponsors a meditation on the Solstices and Equinoxes to focus on the vision of living in a world of peace where all beings acknowledge their connection to each other and work together with mutual respect and harmony. There are people from all over the world participating in this meditation.

We offer a free quarterly newsletter that prints stories and ideas to keep people connected to this dream and to support all of us walking this path.

We are creating new workshops and community events to help bring people into the awareness of the healing potential of partnership between humans and animals.


Dreams for the Future

 Hummingbird Farm will grow as our dreams grow. Some day we will have many more animal teachers, a dedicated workshop space to hold classes, a network of people who participate physically and/or energetically in moving this dream forward, a place where animals and humans can interact and heal and re-establish their connection to All That Is.

For those who can physically come here, Hummingbird Farm is a place to experience working and playing in partnership with all life. It is also an example, a heartbeat, for people all over the planet who cannot physically be here yet wish to participate in the energy of this dream to bring conscious communication and connection into their lives wherever they live. This vision, this dream is a cooperative effort, built step-by-step by all of us, humans and animals, who deeply believe that we are all connected and that it is possible to live in peace, harmony, and mutual respect with all of life.

One of the things I am learning is that my dreams are merely seeds and that I don’t have a clear view of the big picture—it is often far better than I could have imagined it. So I am always open to the suggestions of the animals, the land, and spirit. I know that some wonderful things are in store for all of us and I am grateful and excited to watch it unfold. We need your participation to strengthen and build this vision. We welcome your ideas, suggestions, wild dreams, experiences, and your financial contributions.


Awakening the Awareness of our Connection to All Beings will:

 * Open us to embrace all species (including humans) with Love and Respect—When we recognize the heart and spirit of another person or another species, we see that at the core we are all spiritual beings and we can embrace that connection while allowing differences of expression.

* Stop Animal Cruelty—Once we have had an experience of oneness with another species, it opens our hearts and it is no longer possible to abuse or misuse other creatures.

* Encourage Conservation—When we feel the Earth as a living, breathing, conscious being, we can no longer abuse her and the desire to love, honor and care for her is stirred within us.

* Help to Heal Emotional and Physical Trauma—It has been well documented that animals of all species and the power of nature can assist people to overcome physical and emotional hurdles and to begin to live more fulfilling lives.

* Teach Children and Adults to be Responsible for Their Actions—An experience of kinship with all of life is never forgotten and can be taken with us everywhere. When we embrace all species as members of our own family, it spills over to touch everyone we come in contact with.

* Provide a Sanctuary for Animals and the Earth—This land will be left in trust to serve animals, humans, and the Earth as a space of natural beauty and peace long after we are gone.


Animals Changing the Consciousness of Humans

           When I began working as a professional animal communicator, I thought my job was about saving animals. The animals taught me very quickly that I needed to open my heart to my own species as they (the animals) had a lot of work to do and they needed me to be in a space of love and compassion. I now love my own species with a depth I never felt possible and have watched, often in amazement, as the animals of Hummingbird Farm, as well as the companion animals of my many clients, have gently, lovingly, and adeptly changed my life and the lives of all the people they touch.

            As an example of animals healing people, a few years a woman came out to talk to me about Animal Communication. She was very open and eager to learn about this work. The photographer who came with her was very quiet and not so keen on this strange assignment. At one point as we were moving into the pasture to get some photos with the llamas and goats, he piped up and said, “I don’t believe in all this stuff. I think animals are okay and all, but when I come home tired I just kick my cat.” I think it was the shock of this statement right in the middle of an interview on animal communication that kept me quiet. What could I say that would touch this man without alienating him?

            My goat, Merlin, had his own ideas about the situation. He walked right up to the photographer and began checking his pockets. He unzipped the man’s fanny pack, took out his cell phone and waved it around. He pressed his head next to the photographer’s to see how he focused the camera. He unzipped the pockets of his cargo pants and took out batteries and film. Merlin was having a great time and the cameraman couldn’t stop laughing at his antics. When the interview was finished, the cameraman knelt and put his arms around Merlin’s neck and kissed him. He rubbed his head against Merlin, snuggling up with him and suddenly started to cry. “It’s horrible that I’ve kicked my cat,” he said. I nodded quietly. “Will you talk to my cat for me and tell him I will never, ever hurt him again?” Merlin had worked his magic by offering an open heart and gentle play. The man held onto Merlin’s neck as we contacted his cat and he made his promise to change.

            You can visit Hummingbird Farm when you attend a class or one of our special events. Whether you physically come to Hummingbird Farm or visit by connecting with the dream of oneness in your own home, we can all work together, holding the vision of a planet that is healed, whole, and where all beings are honored and respected. Please join us!  

Our Mission Statement: Hummingbird Farm is a 49-acre learning center and inspirational sanctuary where animals, humans, and the earth work in partnership. We are dedicated to deepening the understanding, respect, communication, and relationship between all living beings and the natural world around us.

Hummingbird Farm is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Hummingbird Farm, P. O. Box 1603, Pittsboro, NC 27312. (919) 742-5929. 

About Hummingbird Farm...

< About Tera                                    Gallery                                    About the Animals >

Hummingbird Farm belongs to everyone: the Earth, animals, and humans. You can be a part of Hummingbird Farm just because you want to. It doesn’t take a cent to join, yet we are asking for your contribution to help us thrive. We are grateful beyond measure for you.

If you would like to make a contribution by giving a tax deductible donation, you can mail your check to Hummingbird Farm, P O. Box 1603, Pittsboro, NC 27312 or use the button below for PayPal. You can email us at hbfarm@yahoo.com.

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